What we can help with
Our goal is to empower students with the confidence and skills needed to succeed by creating a personalized learning experience and developing a growth mindset.
Private K-5 Tutoring
ESA+ approved provider (NCSEAA: North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority)
Educational Testing
Administration of the Woodcock Johnson IV
Identifies academic strengths and weaknesses
Measures learning ability
Can be used to assess growth over time
Can be used to help develop IEP goals
Meets the NC Homeschool requirement for standardized end of grade testing
Assesses K-Graduate grade level equivalency
Kindergarten Readiness
Kindergarten Readiness Screening & Parent Consultation
Individual Sessions, working on skills identified in screening session
Meet the team
Karen Cain has been working with children and families in and out of the classroom for over 20 years. Her roles include school counselor, mental health case manager, early interventionist and pre-k/elementary classroom teacher. Her goal is to empower students with the confidence and skills needed to succeed by creating a personalized learning experience and developing a growth mindset.
Contact: pathfinders.ed.services@gmail.com 704-806-4846